R (on the application of Association of Independent Meat Suppliers and another) (Appellants) v Food Standards Agency (Respondent)
Reporting restrictions
R v Copeland (AP) (Appellant) THE COURT ORDERED that (1) In accordance with section 37 of the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996, the following reporting restrictions continue to apply. Until the conclusion of the criminal proceedings or further order of this court or the Crown Court, nothing may be reported except the following: - the identity of the court(s) and the name of the judge(s); - the name, age, home address and occupation of the accused; - the offences, or a summary of them, with which the accused is charged; - the names of counsel and solicitors engaged in the appeal whether for the purposes of the appeal representation was provided to the accused under Part 1 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012
Case summary
Case ID
See judgment
See judgment
The issue is whether there is a right of appeal against an Official Veterinarian’s assessment of the fitness of meat for human consumption where there is a dispute as to the fitness of the meat for human consumption.
In 2014, Cleveland Meat Company Limited ("Cleveland") purchased a bull at Darlington Farmers Mart for about £1400. After the animal was slaughtered, the Official Veterinarian ("OV") found that the animal was diseased and so declared it unfit for human consumption, and refused to award it a health mark. Cleveland did not agree with the OV’s decision. Cleveland considered the bull was healthy and sought to challenge the OV’s decision. The Food Standards Agency, however, took the view that there was no right to appeal against or challenge a decision of an OV as to the fitness of meat for human consumption. Cleveland brought a claim for judicial review of the decision that it had no right of appeal against the OV’s decision.
Interim Judgment details
Judgment date
24 July 2019
Neutral citation
[2019] UKSC 36
Judgment links
Full Judgment details
Judgment date
8 December 2021
Neutral citation
[2021] UKSC 54
Judgment links
Judgment summary
24 December 2021
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